.. _monitoring: Monitoring and Metrics ====================== Overview -------- BuildGrid provides a set of tools to monitor itself and the services it provides. The monitoring in BuildGrid can be enabled in the configuration yaml file. Prefixes, serialization format, endpoint type and location can also be configued in the yaml file. Please refer to the reference.yml_ for more details. Serialization Formats Provided ------------------------------ BuildGrid allows the monitoring to be serialized using either a Binary Protobuf format, a JSON format, or a StatsD format. - **Binary format**: BuildGrid will serialize the message to a string using the Protobuf Buffer API. This data can then be unserialized using ParseFromString. - **JSON format**: BuildGrid will serialize the message to JSON using Protobuf. - **StatsD format**: BuildGrid will publish the method in the StatsD format. It will exclude any log messages. Currently, only the ``Gauge``, ``Timer``, and ``Counter`` record types are supported for StatsD. Regardless of the format chosen, BuildGrid will prepend the instance name to the metrics as metadata. This is the only key value pair you can prepend at this point. End Points Supported -------------------- BuildGrid supports publishing metrics and logs to one of four locations. - **stdout** - **file** (path to file) - **unix domain socket** (socket address) - **udp address** (address:port) How Metrics Publishing Works ---------------------------- The BuildGrid `server class`_ has a ``monitoring_bus`` which methods can use to publish records. When the monitoring bus is started, the `monitoring bus class`_ will then spin up an async event loop, which will pull records off of a internal queue. It will publish them to the endpoint specified using the format specified. Publishing API -------------- Once a log or metric record is collected, one can send it to the ``monitoring_bus`` using ``send_record_nowait`` or ``send_record``. This will place the record in the ``monitoring_bus``'s queue, where it will then later be consumed for publishing. Supporting New Records ---------------------- New record types for StatsD can be added to BuildGrid, by modifying the `monitoring proto`_, `monitoring bus class`_, and adding a new utility to `metrics utilities`_. Adding a decorator for this record type will make it easier for others to utilize it. Example Usage ------------- Here is how one can create and publish a timing metric: .. code-block:: python timer_record = create_timer_record( 'inputs-fetching-time', input_fetch_time, metadata=context) monitoring_bus = get_monitoring_bus() # Get the singleton monitoring bus monitoring_bus.send_record_nowait(timer_record) Visualizations of metrics in BuildGrid, using ``StatsD`` and ``Grafana/Graphite``, can be seen using this `docker compose`_ file. After composing up, one can go to ``localhost:3000`` to see metrics being published to a Grafana dashboard. .. _reference.yml: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/BuildGrid/_app/settings/reference.yml .. _StatsD format: https://github.com/statsd/statsd .. _server class: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/BuildGrid/server/server.py .. _monitoring bus class: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/buildgrid/server/monitoring.py .. _monitoring proto: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/BuildGrid/_protos/BuildGrid/v2/monitoring_pb2.py .. _metrics utilities: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/BuildGrid/server/metrics_utils.py .. _docker compose: https://gitlab.com/BuildGrid/BuildGrid/-/blob/master/docker-compose-examples/with-monitoring.yml