buildgrid.server.actioncache.caches.s3_cache module
S3 Action Cache
Implements an Action Cache using S3 to store cache entries.
- class buildgrid.server.actioncache.caches.s3_cache.S3ActionCache(storage:, allow_updates: bool = True, cache_failed_actions: bool = True, entry_type: ~buildgrid.server.enums.ActionCacheEntryType | None = ActionCacheEntryType.ACTION_RESULT_DIGEST, migrate_entries: bool | None = False, bucket: str | None = None, endpoint_url: str | None = None, aws_access_key_id: str | None = None, aws_secret_access_key: str | None = None, config: ~botocore.config.Config | None = <botocore.config.Config object>, cache_key_salt: str | None = None)
- property allow_updates: bool
- get_action_result(action_digest: Digest) ActionResult
Retrieves the cached ActionResult for the given Action digest.
- Parameters:
action_digest – The digest to get the result for
- Returns:
The cached ActionResult matching the given key or raises NotFoundError.
- update_action_result(action_digest: Digest, action_result: ActionResult) None
Stores the result in cache for the given key.
- Parameters:
action_digest (Digest) – digest of Action to update
action_result (ActionResult) – ActionResult to store.