

A storage provider that stores data in memory. When the size limit is reached, items are deleted from the cache with the least recently used item being deleted first.

class int)

Bases: StorageABC

TYPE: str = 'LRU'
has_blob(digest: Digest) bool

Return True if the blob with the given instance/digest exists.

get_blob(digest: Digest) IO[bytes] | None

Return a file-like object containing the blob. Most implementations will read the entire file into memory and return a BytesIO object. Eventually this should be corrected to handle files which cannot fit into memory.

The file-like object must be readable and seekable.

If the blob isn’t present in storage, return None.

delete_blob(digest: Digest) None

Delete the blob from storage if it’s present.

commit_write(digest: Digest, write_session: IO[bytes]) None

Store the contents for a digest.

The storage object is not responsible for verifying that the data written to the write_session actually matches the digest. The caller must do that.