buildgrid.server.introspection.service module


Definition of a IntrospectionService used for introspection and querying of BuildGrid’s internal state.

class buildgrid.server.introspection.service.IntrospectionService

Bases: IntrospectionServicer, InstancedServicer[IntrospectionInstance]

SERVICE_NAME = 'Introspection'
FULL_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'buildgrid.v2.Introspection'

The full name of the servicer, used to match instances to the servicer and configure reflection. This value should be declared on the class of any Servicer implementations.

ListWorkers(request: ListWorkersRequest, context: ServicerContext) ListWorkersResponse

Query the list of workers known to a specific BuildGrid instance


  • INVALID_ARGUMENT: When the provided instance name doesn’t exist

GetOperationFilters(request: GetOperationFiltersRequest, context: ServicerContext) OperationFilters

Get the list of valid filters for use in ListOperations requests for a specific BuildGrid instance


  • INVALID_ARGUMENT: When the provided instance name doesn’t exist